St. Ann's Degree College for Women
H.No.3-2-55/1, NFC Road, Mallapur, Hyderabad - 500076
Ph :040 27170257,9492030961
Email ID: stanns1206@gmail.com
The society of the Sisters of St. Ann of Providence was founded by the noble couple Carlo and Guilia de Barolo of Turin, Italy in the year 1834. They entrusted the congregation to the protection of St. Ann an Educator par Excellence. The couple belonged to the royal family of Piedmont and was child less. They being great visionaries, well educated and wealthy wanted to bring sunshine into the lives of many poor and neglected children. Hence they took up various social reforms and started schools for the poor children.
Today the society renders its services in different parts of the world, USA, Italy, UK, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Philippines and Africa. The sisters of St. Ann' are involved in various mission activities like education, health care, social services etc. to continue the mission and vision of the founders.
Our Founders, Carlo Tancredi and Giulia di Barolo, entrusted us to the Protection of St. Ann, Mother of the Virgin Mary, so that, like her, we may dedicate ourselves to the young generations. We are in the Church consecrated women, called to be instruments of Providence to the poor and the little ones.
Our spirituality is centred on the Trinitarian mystery, which is a mystery of Love for the salvation of mankind: "God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life" (Jn 3:16). This mystery fills our life: we entrust ourselves totally to the Providence of the Father and animated by the Holy Spirit, we unite ourselves to the offering of the Son for the salvation of man. In this way through our life and actions we continue the mission of Jesus for the true happiness of our brethren.

"Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; See that you do not despise one of these little ones."(Mt 18:5, 10).
Through our formative action we continue in our times the attitude of Jesus who welcomed little children: we place ourselves at the service of the happiness of our brethren to restore in each one the face of the Son of God.

Our dear Founders entrusted our Institute to the care of Divine Providence, the heart of its identity – Our Founders wanted us to depend on God’s Providence in all our needs and to become “instruments of Providence” to the poor and needy and to the protection of St. Ann, model of a mother and educator .

St. Ann our Patroness: The name Anne derives from the Hebrew, Hannah, meaning ‘Grace’. Saint Anne was born in Bethlehem and became the wife of Saint Joachim from Nazareth, in Galilee. They were both of the royal House of David, and their lives were wholly occupied in prayer and good works. One thing only was lacking in their twenty years of marriage - they were childless, and this was held as a bitter misfortune among the Jews. Ann and Joachim fasted and prayed to be delivered them from this misfortune. God heard their fervent prayers and thus, Mary was born. She was truly regarded as a child of God, and with the birth of Mary, the elderly Anne began a new life. Ann and Joachim were compensated for this long and painful waiting by receiving a great privilege, that of becoming the grandparents of Jesus.
Ann watched Mary’s every movement with reverent tenderness, and felt herself sanctified by the presence of her immaculate child. But she had vowed her daughter to God, and, when old enough, Mary also consecrated herself to God. Ann and Joachim educated Mary in the virtues of Faith, Hope, Love, Justice and Prudence, fortitude and temperance, simplicity, chastity, poverty and obedience. When Mary was fourteen, she was engaged to Joseph of Nazareth. Mary corresponded fully with these graces she received thus growing into a saintly person worthy of becoming the mother of God - Jesus Christ
​Following the example of St. Ann and as members of this Institute, we are called to restore and enhance the image of God in the youth and reawaken in them the thirst for spirituality that they always carry in their hearts, even if this sometimes takes ambiguous and disconnected forms. To welcome and accompany the young, so that their desire for happiness may be realised, and they become what they are called to be according to their vocation.
St. Ann's Degree College for Women, a Christian Minority Institution was established in the year 1998. The 9 acre serene campus is situated on the Mallapur - NFC road in close proximity to PSUs and Industrial estates. The College is run by the Society of Sisters of St. Ann of Providence, the name that has been associated with excellence in education, for many decades. It has a number of educational institutions at different levels imparting quality education to lakhs of students throughout India.
The College is affiliated to Osmania University and Approved by TSCHE and offers four undergraduate credit based semester programmes. It also offers one post graduate (MBA) credit based semester programmes affiliated to Osmania University and Approved by AICTE. It imparts education in the field of Commerce, Science and Management. It is dedicated to empowering women professionally and technically, moulding them into capable persons who are committed to their personal and professional endeavours and who have the vision, courage and dedication to initiate and manage change. The College aims at providing integral, value-based, skill-oriented, quality-focused, and sustainable education in an environment of integrated, interactive and experiential learning. The institution has adopted the pedagogy of the heart to empower students by understanding their deepest needs and accompanying them in realising their potential for growth and development.
To cater to the growing and dynamic needs of the new millennium the college has introduced a number of certification and value added courses. With the best of infrastructural facilities and learning resources the institution has completed 21 years of rendering value based holistic education to around 700 young girls every year empowering them to realize their dreams.
The experienced committed and dedicated 45 teaching and non teaching staff constantly strives to impart quality education and uphold the institutions’ values. The faculty who are the strength of the college constantly work towards upgrading their knowledge, skills, and research endeavours with the support and encouragement of the management.
Various Clubs guided by faculty mentors conduct co-curricular and extra-curricular activities throughout the year, nurturing talent and fostering all round development of students. The extension activities of the college reach out to those less fortunate and less privileged in the neighbourhood and society. Our students secure excellent results year after year and win a number of awards and prizes in inter collegiate competitions and events. The college has an excellent placement track record as most of our alumni are working with reputed organisations all over the world.
Young Annites “Pursue Truth” our motto, with keen interest in every aspect of their academic endeavour so that their ignorance vanishes and light of truth illuminates their whole being. The institution is directing all its efforts towards making quality assurance and sustainability an integral part of its functioning in its quest for providing integral value-based higher education.

Sustainable Education: Aspire to bring a paradigm shift in educational culture and develop one which epitomizes the core principles of sustainable education so that students are in sync with social and ecological environment.
Empowerment through Pedagogy of the Heart: Reaching out to the heart of the students to understand their deepest needs, accompanying them in their growth and make their potentials emerge and develop.
Responsible living through Preventive action: Preparing the students to face challenges and help them avert dangers through preventive actions.
Value Consciousness: Instilling values in students to develop a sense of self-respect and extending this consideration to others and nature.
Innovation and Recognition: Acknowledging and appreciating tangibly the various efforts taken by the stakeholders for the enhancement of teaching learning experience, research and innovation, creative activities and public engagement.
Collegiality: Engaging others with respect, openness and trust in pursuit of a common purpose having regard for individuals, ideals and the institution as a whole.
Excellence: Hone the skills of individuals in order to optimize their potential for the betterment of self and society.